Sportsbook Pay Per Head Review Sportsbook Pay Per Head Review

I found a couple of months ago while reading an article about the Pay Per Head Industry. Hence, I thought it would be a good idea to have a Sportsbook Pay Per Head Review.

It is not often that you see a new Pay Per Head Company come out on the market. Therefore, it took me quite by surprise as I thought I knew most major PPH companies on the market. After seeing them, I became ecstatic. This is because I was hoping they would bring something new and refreshing to the Sportsbook PPH industry.

So here is what I found out about them. Sportsbook Pay Per Head


Champs PPH has only been in business since 2022 and has their headquarter in San Jose, Costa Rica. An interesting fact is that they have a relation to To us, this is a plus in their favor as Real Bookies has a good reputation.

The big question is whether this offshoot will be able to live up to their reputation!

Finding information about them was quite difficult. Google was of no help and they no results even cam up about them. Other search engines did provide a bit more information but it was basically a dud. So we had to get down and dirty and call in favors to get more info about this company. So here is what we found out. has spent thousands of dollars to develop their infrastructure to provide a faster more efficient PPH service. Their focus is on helping people become a bookie as a side hustle. This includes people in college or anyone else that like sports and want to make extra money on the side.

You can tell that it is their goal because of what they emphasize on their site. For example, they put a lot of emphasis on their pool and contest tools on their site. While fun to do, serious bettors tend to concentrate more on betting. However, college students and bookies with friends and family as a customer base tend to focus more on fun things.


  • Agent Interface Rating: 9.0 out of 10
  • Player Betting Platform Rating: 7.4 our of 10
  • Cost of PPH Rating: 7.0 out of 10
  • Reporting: 8.0 out of 10
  • Customer Service: 3.0 out of 10

TOTAL RATING: 6.88 out of 10 Sportsbook Pay Per Head Review


Company Information

  • Inception: 2022
  • License: Costa Rica
  • Software: DGS
  • Price: $7 to $10
  • Contact:
  • Telephone: 1-800-949-6285
  • Website:
  • Location: Costa Rica
  • Current Promo: 4 Weeks for FREE

Gambling Options

  • Private Website Available: Yes
  • Phone Wagering Available: Yes
  • Mobile Platform Available: Yes
  • Sports Betting: yes
  • Live In-Game Betting: yes, extra cost
  • Racebook: yes
  • Online Casino: Yes,
  • Live Casino: yes
  • Poker: Yes
  • Contests: Yes

Pay Per Head Features

  • Player Prop Bet: Yes
  • Bonus Management: Yes
  • Lines Management: Yes
  • Player Msg Tools: Yes
  • Report Generators: Yes, extra cost
  • Player Risk Mgt: Yes
  • Alerts: Yes
  • Player Profiling: No
  • Financial Tools: yes

The ChampsPPH Registration Process

The ChampsPPH Registration ProcessThe process of opening an agent Pay Per Head account is fairly simple. You simply fill out the form with your name, email, phone number and a preferred username. Afterwards, you just have to wait for them to create your account.

To be honest, we were hoping that the process would be faster after submitting the registration form. In our case, after waiting for a week, we still did not have ay kind of contact from there. In the end, we had no choice but to call them to get our account going. This was not a good start…

We did find out that the 4 weeks free trial is not what is seems. The first 2 weeks are straight up free. However, to get the remaining 2 free weeks, you will need to send in a deposit first.

Payment Options

PPH Champs accepts a wide variety of payments method which makes it much easier to use this Pay Per Head company. These include: tether, PayPal, MoneyGram, Money Orders, Bitcoin, and Ethereum. In addition, they also reimburse the transfer fees of any transaction over 200$. Or at least, they do if you have a positive balance at the moment the deposit is sent. Sportsbook Pay Per Head Review

As we were looking for information about the PPH services, we had some trouble navigating thru the site. This is because a lot of the links were not working properly. It would send us to an error or to the home page instead of the corresponding link. Needless to say, this was not very encouraging… prices are on a tier system. Therefore, the most players you have the cheaper the cost per player. For their part, the price starts at $10 per active player and can go as low as $7 per player. However, it looks like it can go lower if you have over 1,500 players and can negotiate with them.

  • 1-29 players: $10 per head
  • 30-49 Players: $9.50 per head
  • 50-99 players: $9.00 per head
  • 100-199 Players: $8.50 per head
  • 200-499 Players: $8.00 per head
  • 500-999 Players: $7.50 per head
  • 1000-1499 Players: $7.00 per head Sportsbook Pay Per Head Software Review

Despite having problems setting up the account, once we were able to log in, it was a different story. In fact, we were impressed with their Pay Per Head Software dashboard. Like other PPH dashboards, it manages to fit all pertinent info on one page. However, what sets them apart is that they were also able to fit a lot of other information. This in turns brings out a lot of tools and features that are not seen in most PPH services. Sportsbook Pay Per Head Software ReviewThis includes a Bookie Agent Rewards Program that rewards you for paying on time, and celebrates milestones. Another great feature is that they have Pay Per Head referral program and your own ID Code. Thus, you can make money from referring friends by just giving them your id code or tracking link.

As far as the actual software goes, it has all of the features from its parent bookie software. You will find the usual reports, player management features and wagering tools and options.

 One interesting aspect is that they also have paid add-ons. This is where you can give players access to a prop bet builder and their dynamic live lines. The cost for those add-ons are $5 for dynamic live lines and $3.50 for Dynamic Live Lines 2. They also have a prop bet builder paid add-on available for an extra $2 per player.

While we are happy that it is available, charging extra for the prop bet builder seems overkill. This is because several of the best sportsbook Pay Per Head have it available as part of their service. For the Dynamic Lines, the $5 option I also available in most reliable PPH services. However, the $3.50 option might be worth considering for those that have players that regularly place live bets. Player Betting Site and Platform Review

As to the players, they will enjoy the Player Betting websites and casino platforms. Personally, we thought that their sports betting interface was fine but did not bring anything new to the industry. Thus, it does everything one would expect from a sportsbook. Your players will be able to easily place their bet without any problems even if it is their first time.

Like most Pay Per Head sportsbook, they did not have a phone app available. However, the betting site is mobile friendly so no issues using it no matter what device your players use.

The online casino, is rough and dated. But then again, I have one ever seen one PPH that had a decent casino. The live casino is decent and the poker rooms are good if you don’t mind paying the extra cost and you have enough poker players.

Our Opinion and Recommendation has a lot of potential for the bookies that have a large player base and can afford their prices. This is because they have a good Bookie pay per head software and a reliable player gambling interface. For new bookies or bookies that are more cost and ROI conscious, we would recommend using a PPH that give you almost all of he features but at a lower price,

The area it really falls short in is their customer service and interaction. This is because it is almost non-existent which is an issue if ever need their help. If almost feels like that site was abandoned by its owner.

Our opinion is that if you should instead go with the parent company, Real Bookies, or with one of our Top 10 Pay Per Head Companies.

Bookie Pay Per Head Service

If you are looking for a top PPH service, take a look at our List of the best Sportsbook Pay Per Head providers. These are the Highest rated services according to our Sportsbook Pay Per Head Reviews.

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