Take Advantage of What PPH Services has to Offer You

Quality PPH Services Offer Bookies Superb Options
PPH Services have changed along with the sports betting landscape. Both have dramatically changed since 2018, when the Supreme Court ruled that Nevada wasn’t the only state that could allow sportsbooks to operate legally. Since then, wagering on sports has become commonplace, with even sports leagues jumping on board.
Once a stigmatized industry operating in the shadows of the sports world, bookmaking is now looked on much differently. Whether it’s a major corporation operating a state sponsored online sportsbooks or a local bookie providing personalized service, they both meet a need for their clients.
In order to compete in this new world of sports betting, an independent bookie needs to utilize the latest that technology has to offer. Gone are the days when they can simply provide some lines on games and take bets from a few acquaintances.
Players have access to online sportsbooks and line services and expect similar offerings from their bookie. The best option for bookies is to utilize a Pay Per Head (PPH) sportsbook service that their clients can use to check lines and make wagers.
PPH Services are a Game Changer
For the bookie, a PPH service does much more than just move the wagering process from a phone call or text to the internet. The elimination of the time consuming process of manually taking wagers is just one of the benefits of PPH systems.
In order to stay competitive in an exploding industry, a bookie needs to take advantage of all of features offered by a PPH service. It begins with the state of the art user interface for customers and includes a robust package of support functionality to help a bookie successfully operate their business.
The online sportsbook offered to customers includes all of the major sports, including the NFL, NBA, NHL, Major League Baseball, soccer, NASCAR, PGA and European Tour golf, tennis, MMA/UCF and many others. Horse racing and casino gambling are also available for the bookie, if they choose, to make available to their clients.
Various popular wagering types are also available, including futures, spreads, money line, over/under, reverse, propositions and live betting. The bookie has the ability to customize the offering for individual customers, depending on the individual’s risk factors and wagering patterns.
The PPH provider sets initial lines, but the bookie can change them depending on the circumstances. They may need to balance the wagers on a particular game or want to take advantage of the emotional attachment some customers have to a particular team.
PPH Services Help the Players as Well
Customers can make wagers 24 hours a day, seven days a week by using the online sportsbook. The Pay Per Head provider also offers phone support for clients to make bets. Bookies can also place wagers for their players if they still want the option to control exactly what their clients are betting on.
Because the bookie isn’t placing every bet, they can rely on up to the minute reporting of all of their customers’ wagering activity, both individually and collectively. The bookie can see at any point what outcomes have been to their advantage and which ones pose undue risk.
With the information provided by the PPH software, the bookie can make decisions on how to mitigate risk and which bets they need to promote. Whether it’s changing lines and odds or getting on the phone to sell a certain position, the PPH service has all of the functionality needed to support the bookie’s efforts.
From a financial perspective, the Pay Per Head software keeps track of all transactions and informs the bookie in real time where they stand on payouts and money owed to them. While the software supports pre-paid wagers, local bookies don’t always operate in that manner.

The PPH provider charges a fee for each client that places a wager during the billing period, usually a week. Depending on the number of clients a bookie has, the cost is anywhere from $7 to $15 per customer. The fee is the same whether the customer places one bet or 20 in a week.
The bookie gets to keep all profits from their operations, except for the Pay Per Head fee. The more wagers and more revenue they can generate from their clients puts more money into their pockets. There is no sharing of their edge with the provider, just the fixed fee.
Incorporating a Pay Per Head service and taking advantage of all that is offered is a great start to running a successful bookmaking business.